Main Street Milwaukie Design Committee

City of Milwaukie Oregon Official Website

The Main Street Milwaukie program is currently inactive. Contact Teri Bankhead at or 503-786-7573 for additional information.


The goal of the Design Committee is to create a visually appealing downtown while preserving Milwaukie's historic character.


Design enhances the attractiveness of the business district. Historic building rehabilitation, street and alley clean-up, colorful banners, landscaping, and lighting all improve the physical image of the downtown as a quality place to shop, work, walk, invest in, and live. Design improvements result in a reinvestment of public and private dollars to downtown.

The objectives of the Main Street Milwaukie Design Committee include: 

  • Educate business and property owners about good design.
  • Develop and implement a visual enhancement program for downtown Milwaukie.
  • Become a design resource for downtown property and business owners.

For Business and Building Owners

Design means getting Main Street into top physical shape and creating a safe, inviting environment for shoppers, workers, and visitors. An appealing atmosphere conveys a positive message about the commercial district and what it has to offer.

How can you help?

  • Keep your building in good condition through regular maintenance.
  • Rehabilitate your historic building if needed.
  • Do research to ensure that any rehabilitation or new construction is appropriate for downtown Milwaukie.
  • Remove any unused signs from your building or storefront.
  • Rotate your window displays each month, or more often if possible.
  • Create a welcoming entrance through the use of awnings, planters and flowers, or window displays that "spill" outside.

Review materials about the recent Storefront Improvement Workshop here. See links to relevant articles below.

For Volunteers

Are you interested in volunteering with the Design Committee? Read about volunteer responsibilities here. Contact Community Development (503) 786-7600 to volunteer or for more information.