Walk Safely Reports

City of Milwaukie Oregon Official Website

The Walk Safely Milwaukie Program (WSMP) is intended to empower Milwaukie’s neighborhoods to identify and implement local projects and other citizen-led activities to make walking in Milwaukie a more comfortable and commonplace experience.

Milwaukie's NDAs have been long-time advocates for safer, more walkable streets. The Walk Safely Neighborhood Reports provide neighbors a platform to communicate the reality and future vision of walking and biking conditions in their neighborhoods.

Guidance documents including a template for the report and relevant chapters from the City's Transportation system plan are linked below. For additional support completing your report contact the Community Development Department at 503-786-7600.

The deadline for Walk Safely Reports is Feb 15th of each year. The Walk Safely Reports will be reviewed and discussed by the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC), and the City's Engineering and Community Development Departments. Ultimately, each NDA will receive suggestions and comments in advance of the Project Proposal Deadline on April 15th.

All seven Milwaukie Neighborhood Associations submitted Walk Safely Reports in 2011. The reports outline the neighborhoods’ perspective on current driving and walking conditions, trends, priorities and recommended improvements. Each of these reports are attached below.

For general information about the City's Walk Safely Program, please click here.