Moving Forward Milwaukie Kickoff Event Survey now available online!

City of Milwaukie Oregon Official Website

Did you miss the October 3rd Moving Forward Milwaukie Kickoff Event? Well, it's not too late to share your thoughts about your community and the type of development that should happen here!

The instant polling questions and visual preference survey are available here. Please complete the survey by Friday, October 25!



  • Please click through and read the slides, which are followed by a series of survey questions answered by workshop participants
  • This activity will take about 20 minutes to complete
  • By adding your responses to those of workshop participants, we can collect a broader and more accurate assessment of community opinions about what development should look like in Milwaukie's primary commercial corridors
  • If you have any additional comments or questions not covered by this presentation and online survey, please contact Community Development at (503) 786-7600.

The detailed Kickoff Event survey results are available here. How do your answers compare?

Thank you for your time and feedback!


The Moving Forward Milwaukie project team