Submitted Applications and Public Notices

Applicant materials that are posted on this webpage are under review by the city. They are solely the work product of the applicant. Where contact information is provided, you may contact the applicant directly with questions about their application.

Some land use applications require public notice. In these cases, properties within a certain distance of the application property (typically 300 ft) are sent a land-use notification letter in the mail. This letter explains what specifically is being proposed and provides recipients with important information about the application process, standards, and application approval criteria. You can read more about the land use notification process and how best to respond to land use proposals by clicking here.

For preapplication conference reports, click here.



Primary File Type Description/Address NDA
MLP-2025-001 Type II Minor Land Partition; Type III Variance; Type III Natural Resources Review (Land Division) 9021 SE McLoughlin Blvd North Milwaukie Industrial Area
VR-2025-003 Type II Variance 11050 SE Oak St.  Lake Road
VR-2025-002 Type II Variance 4128 SE Jefferson St.  Lake Road



Primary File Type Description/Address NDA
A-2024-001 Expedited Annexation 9305 SE 55th Ave Lewelling
AP-2024-001 Appeal to City Council  11932 SE 35th Ave Lake Road
EXT-2024-001 Type II Extension Request 2149 SE Moores St.  North Milwaukie Industrial Area
HR-2024-003 Type III Historic Resource; Alteration 9712 SE Cambridge Lane Historic Milwaukie
HR-2024-002 Type III Historic Resource; Alteration  1620 SE Waverly Dr. Historic Milwaukie
MLP-2024-002 Type II Minor Land Partition 11004 SE Stanley Ave.  Linwood 
PLA-2024-003 Type II Property Line Adjustment 4404 SE Monroe St. Hector Campbell
TFR-2024-002 Transportation Facilities Review Vacant lot on Monroe St.  Linwood
ZA-2024-002 Type V Code Text Amendment

Oregon Senate Bill 1537;

None (city-wide) 
ZA-2024-003 Type V Code Text Amendment Floodplain; City-wide None (city-wide) 



Primary File Type Description/Address NDA
A-2023-003 Expedited Annexation 9214 SE 55th Ave Lewelling 
A-2023-004 Expedited Annexation 9931 SE Hollywood Ave Lewelling
CPA-2023-001 Ancillary Document to the Comprehensive Plan – Housing Capacity Analysis City-wide None (city-wide)



For completed applications, click here.