Transportation Resources

City of Milwaukie 2007 TSP

Metro's Regional Transportation Plan

Transportation Research

  • Lecture by Jeffrey Tumlin on Walkable Urbanism
    The Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association and the Oregon Transportation & Growth Management Program brought Mr. Tumlin to Oregon in late April 2013 to speak about "Eight Steps to a Walkable, Wealthier, Healthier City." This YouTube video captures a similar presentation given by Mr. Tumlin on January 10, 2013, in Vancouver, B.C. The slides from that basic presentation are available in PDF format as an attachment below.
  • What is a Neighborhood Greenway?
    This website by the City of Portland provides information about the goals and potential design features of Neighborhood Greenways, including a helpful video. A list and map of Neighborhood Greenways in Portland is available for those who might like to visit one of these streets in person. The TSP identifies the need to utilize this Neighborhood Greenway concept to achieve similar goals on some streets in Milwaukie, but does not prescribe specific design features. The exact mix of design features will be developed through a design process that includes extensive public involvement.