2018-2023 Milwaukie Housing Affordability Strategy

MHAS Cover

The 2018-2023 Milwaukie Housing Affordability Strategy (MHAS) is a blueprint for providing equitable affordable housing opportunities and is intended to help increase the amount of affordable housing in the city. It is seen as an overarching framework, combining existing land uses, needs assessments, housing policy analysis, and an analysis of best practices from peer cities. The MHAS will be used to support the work in the Milwaukie Housing Strategies Report, a document created as background to the Comprehensive Plan Update and the HNA, and to create an Action Plan that prioritizes the policy changes recommended in the Milwaukie Housing Strategies Report.

The MHAS was adopted on July 17, 2018. This strategy contains 31 action items for short, mid-term and long-term implementation from 2018 to 2023 within the three main housing goals: 

Goal 1: Develop New Affordable Units

Increase the amount of housing affordable to people across the income spectrum. Increase the number of affordable units and the total amount of housing to better meet market demand through financing and direct development. 

Goal 2: Prevent Displacement and Keep Affordable Units Affordable

Stabilize and protect renters and homeowners by preserving exisiting affordable housing and increasing education and access to resources.

Goal 3: Connect People to Existing Affordable Housing

Help existing and potential residents find, qualify for, and access housing that is affordable and appropriate for their needs. 

In order to achieve these objectives, the Council-approved actions identified in the MHAS will be implemented over the next five years. Progress of the MHAS will be monitored and actions adjusted periodically based on performance measures, new information, and established review timelines. 


August, 2016 - The city completed a Statewide Planning Goal 10, Housing and Residential Land Needs Assessment (also known as the HNA), in preparation for an update to the housing element of its comprehensive plan. The HNA outlines the supply of housing units by unit size, tenure, and price point that Milwaukie will need between 2016 and 2036 to meet the projected demand. The HNA shows a need for over 1, 130 units, for homeowner and rental housing and highlights the cost burden of Milwaukians spending more than 30 percent of income on housing.  Increasing the number of units and enabling more units to fall under the 30 percent affordability quotient will be instrumental to the success of the MHAS​.

April 23, 2017 - City Council unanimously voted on the goal of achieving housing affordability.

June 6, 2017 - City Council discussed the approach and strategy direction for achieving this goal.

June 5, 2018 - MHAS was presented after hearing feedback and recommendations through several meetings with subject matter experts in the field of housing, tenant rights, economic development, development, and financing. Focus groups were also held with tenants, landlords developers and property owners for the development of the document.