Historic Milwaukie Neighborhood

Historic Milwaukie Pollinator Pathway Garden Markers

The Historic Milwaukie Neighborhood District Association (NDA) is an officially recognized NDA in the City of Milwaukie.

Stay up to date with the latest neighborhood news by visiting this page often. You can follow the neighborhood on their Instagram Page (link is external) (historicmilwaukienda) and Facebook (link is external). The neighborhood also has a column each month in the city's Pilot newsletter

Upcoming programs and events in the Historic Milwaukie Neighborhood primarily funded by Milwaukie's Neighborhood Enhancement Program include

  • Historic Milwaukie NDA Picnic - No picnic was held in 2024 due to construction at Scott Park. Check back in 2025.
  • Trick or Treat on Main Street - Historic Milwaukie NDA typically has a booth at the downtown event to give out candy and raise awareness of the NDA. The booth is usually located in the park next to the historic city hall building (10722 SE Main St.). 

Current Volunteer Opportunities (Attend the next meeting and ask how you can get more involved!

  • Do you have a specific topic that you are especially interested in that could benefit the neighborhood? Some ideas could include communications, art, outreach and marketing, safety, fundraising, etc. The ideas are limitless. 
  • Learn about all of the various ways you can get involved in the Historic Milwaukie Neighborhood. 
  • Learn about all of the city's volunteer opportunities at www.milwaukieoregon.gov/volunteering

Meeting Agendas & Minutes: Meeting agendas and minutes can be found under the Agendas/Minutes/Video tab here (search by NDA name and date):  www.milwaukieoregon.gov/meetings

Contact/Meeting Information:

Historic Milwaukie

Debbie Liptan (Co-Chair) (link sends e-mail)debbieliptan@mac.com (link sends e-mail)                          503-784-3063

Val Hubbard (Co-Chair)  (link sends e-mail)valhubbard@comcast.net (link sends e-mail)                 503-475-6030

6:30 p.m. - Second Monday of most months 

Milwaukie City Hall, Community Room (10501 SE Main St.) or attend on Zoom. (Check the city calendar to find out if the meeting will be held in person, online using Zoom or both. More information below.)

ATTENTION: Next regular meeting is Mon., April 14, 2025 at  6:30 p.m. Check the calendar event to learn more. 

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Historic Milwaukie Neighborhood District Association (NDA) Logo
Historic Milwaukie Earth Day 2024 Volunteer Event
Historic Milwaukie Earth Day 2024 Volunteer Event
Historic Milwaukie Earth Day 2024 Volunteer Event
Historic Milwaukie Earth Day 2024 Volunteer Event
Historic Milwaukie Earth Day 2024 Volunteer Event