Neighborhood Enhancement Program

Hector Campbell Neighborhood Picnic 2024

The city supports its seven Neighborhood District Associations (NDA) by providing funding through the Milwaukie Neighborhood Enhancement Program (MNEP). Prior to July 1, 2024 this program was known as the NDA Grant Program

Goals of the program include the development of neighborhood leadership, supporting activities of public benefit to each neighborhood, expanding involvement in neighborhoods, encouraging collaboration among community organizations and neighborhoods, fostering neighborhood pride, and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

MNEP funding is available to the community in two ways: 

  • NDA led projects: Each NDA is provided $4,000 annually after the completion of an annual report that meets the requirements of the MNEP Administrative Policy. NDAs can use the funding in accordance with the policy. Community members who have ideas, and are willing to volunteer to help bring their ideas to reality, are encouraged to get involved with their NDA. Explore the NEIGHBORHOODS tab at the top of this page to learn more. 
  • Community Connection Grants: Non-profit organizations and other community groups can apply for MNEP funding from each NDA. All of the requirements and guidelines for NDA led projects apply to the Community Connection Grants, which is outlined in the MNEP Administrative Policy. The Community Connection Grant Application is available below. 

Need more information or have questions? Contact Jason Wachs, community engagement coordinator, at or call 503.786.7568.