Emmett Wheatfall Poetry Reading


Wednesday, July 14, 2021 - 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Emmett Wheatfall

Emmett Wheatfall's poetry reading will be livestreamed on July 14, 2021 on the Ledding Library YouTube Channel.

Emmett Wheatfall is a published poet, playwright and recording artist. He has 2 books of poetry published by Fernwood Press, an imprint of Barclay Press. They are As Clean As A Bone (2018) and Our Scarlet Blue Wounds (2019). His newest work With Extreme Prejudice is scheduled for publishing late summer 2021. Lyrically, Emmett has released one non-music poetry CD and four lyrical poetry CDs. Emmett is known nationally and internationally for his poetry having received wonderful reviews. For more biographical information visit http://emmettwheatfall.com.

A flier of the 14th season readings is available here or at the Ledding Library. Thank you to all the volunteers who make this reading possible.

For information or questions about the reading and to join the group list, please contact the Series Coordinator Tom Hogan at 503.819.8367 or tomhogan2@comcast.net.