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Lewelling Neighborhood - Annual Elections
05/08/2024 - 6:30pm to 8:00pm
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Circle Room
NOTE: This meeting will be held in-person at Kairos-Milwaukie UCC, but anyone that would like to attend on Zoom can do so using the link below.
INFORMATION FOR ELECTIONS THIS MONTH: This month includes the NDA's annual elections for officers including chair, vice-chair, secretary, treasurer, land use committee members and others. If you are interested in becoming a neighborhood leader please join your NDA meeting in May and let the current leaders know that you are interested.
There are also a variety of ways to get involved and help your NDA so if you have knowledge, experience, or just a passion about a specific topic (some topic areas might include art, parks, events, marketing and outreach, event planning, etc.) join them and let them know that you want to help.
get connected. get involved.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 1603 8476
Passcode: 220958
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Meeting ID: 863 1603 8476
Passcode: 220958
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