Lead a Survey at the Kellogg Creek Bioblitz

Volunteer at Bioblitz

The North Clackamas Watershed Council's (NCWC) Kellogg Creek BioBlitz is May 17, 2025. Last year, 75 volunteers documented over 171 different species of plants, birds, fungi, fish and more in the natural areas surrounding the Kellogg Impoundment during the twp hour surveys.

NCWC is currently looking for local experts to serve as Volunteer Survey Leaders for this years BioBlitz! They are currently looking for people to lead groups focused on birds, plants, insects, reptiles and amphibians, fungi, and macroinvertebrates.

NCWC would also love to connect with community members interested in leading groups in Spanish, and groups that are accessible to people who use wheelchairs.

If you are interested in leading a group, please email Peyton at peyton@ncwatersheds.org. Registration for the BioBlitz will open on our the NCWC website in March.