Hit and Run case #25-000553


Can you ID?

The Milwaukie Police Department would like to enlist the community’s assistance with information about a vehicle involved in a hit and run. The pictured vehicle, (a white Mercedes sedan) struck a canine and barely avoided the dogs owner at the intersection of SE Hwy 224 and SE Freeman at approximately 8:20 AM on 1/26.

The driver stopped momentarily then continued East on SE Hwy 224. MiPD would appreciate information about the vehicle. If you are the driver of this vehicle, you are urged to contact the Milwaukie Police Department as soon as possible.

Sgt Inman, inmanm@milwaukieoregon.gov (503) 786-7447 or Officer Barnett, barnettv@milwaukieoregon.gov (503) 786-7485.

MiPD case #25-000553

The dog pictured “Boomer” was seriously injured but is on the road to recovery.

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