City Council Goals for 2023 & 2024

City of Milwaukie, Oregon


On April 18, 2023, the City Council approved Resolution 21-2023, adopting Council goals for 2023 and 2024. The adopted goals included Climate Change Mitigation and Resiliance Action; Equity, Justice, and Inclusion; and Improving Milwaukie's Parks System and Services. 

Below is a summary of Council's current goals. To view the latest updates about the city's efforts to pursue these goals, visit the meeting calendar or see links below.


GOAL 1: Climate Change Mitigation and Resilience Action

WHEREAS Climate change is the single largest threat to the future citizens of Milwaukie; and

WHEREAS the Milwaukie Community Vision calls for Milwaukie to become a net zero city by the year 2040 as our contribution towards forestalling the worst effects of climate change; and

WHEREAS the city has adopted a Climate Action Plan (CAP) in 2017, and in the first five years has accomplished some things called for by that plan, but much remains to be accomplished.

Therefore, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Milwaukie, Oregon, that the city will take aggressive steps to minimize climate change and increase climate related resilience by continuing to implement specific actions identified in the City's Climate Action Plan that provide the greatest impact possible.


Goal 2: Equity, Justice, and Inclusion

WHEREAS Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color have suffered horrific inequities and crimes against humanity such as slavery, slaughter, rape, theft of land and property, medical experimentation, forced relocation, denial of basic human rights, and restriction from generational wealth building in this country for centuries; and 

WHEREAS the Milwaukie 2040 vision calls for a flourishing city that is ENTIRELY EQUITABLE, delightfully livable and completely sustainable for ALL residents; and

WHEREAS in adopting the 2020 Comprehensive Plan and ensuing code and zoning revisions, the city has begun to reverse the code and zoning that has disenfranchised our Black, Indigenous, and other People of color neighbors for almost a century; and

WHEREAS the Milwaukie Police Department has engaged with members of the community of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color in revising and updating use of force, hiring, promotion and other police policies; and

WHEREAS the Council established the Equity Steering Committee as an advisory body on actions to further equity and social justice, including consulting on the forthcoming assessment and plan which will identify the areas of greatest need for equity-focused actions by the city.

Therefore, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Milwaukie, Oregon, that this city further commits to the pursuit of an entirely equitable Milwaukie by supporting the implementation of policies, procedures, practices, and training needs identified in the forthcoming plan to lead to a city that is more responsive to, more trusted by, and more reflective of the community we serve.


Goal 3: Improving Milwaukie's Parks System and Services

WHEREAS the Clackamas Board of County Commissioners, acting as the Board for the North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District (NCPRD), has, for over two years, declined to move forward with construction of Milwaukie Bay Park; and 

WHEREAS in over thirty years as a part of NCPRD, the city has purchased property for eventual development as parks and has raised the funding to develop most of the parks in Milwaukie; and

WHEREAS city staff has estimated that we have over $900,000 worth of deferred maintenance in our parks; and

WHEREAS these and other recent developments have made clear that addressing deficiencies in the construction, management, and maintenance of Milwaukie's parks is an important priority demanding significant staff time, as the city determines how best to serve the community's needs and desires from their park system.

Therefore, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Milwaukie, Oregon, that this city further commits to the difficult work of determining whether and under what terms to leave the NCPRD and establish a city parks department; securing funding for that department; and engaging in a system planning process to identify community priorities for parks and recreation.


Now, Therefore, be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Milwaukie, Oregon, that the following City Council goals are adopted for 2023 and 2024.

  • Climate Change Mitigation and Resilience Action; and
  • Equity, Justice, and Inclusion; and
  • Improving Milwaukie' s Parks System and Services.