Milwaukie American Legion Post 180 volunteer Honor Guard

A group of dedicated veterans from Milwaukie American Legion Post 180 volunteer Honor Guard services at funeral services, opening ceremonies and other events all around the region, and they are looking for other veterans to join them.

Requests for their services have never been greater. Just recently the small group assisted in five funerals for veterans without families who died at the Portland VA Hospital. The Milwaukie Legion volunteers a variety of services to honor those that have served honorably in our nation’s armed forces.

Some of the services they provide free of charge include: Full Military Honors (Folding the American Flag, Taps, and Rifle Volley Salute) or/ memorial services, Flag folding at burial / memorial services, Military Chaplin services, Flag postings, Patriotic dedication services, and Patriotic ceremonies. The Legion wears a uniform and the Post helps by buying many parts of that uniform to defray costs for volunteers.

If you are a veteran, or know of a veteran, who is interested in volunteering, please contact Jerry Craig of Post 180 at 503-659-1300 or at or Jerry's home phone: 503-723-9988 or his email: