Budget Committee

State law (ORS 294.336) mandates for a Budget Committee for all Oregon local governments.

The Budget Committee for the City of Milwaukie consists of the City Council members plus an equal number of legal voters appointed by City Council. Accordingly, Milwaukie has ten Budget Committee members, and the votes of all members are equal.

This committee is established in accordance with the provisions of ORS 294.336 to review the city manager's proposed budget document as prepared by the budget officer and to recommend a budget to the City Council for adoption (Ord. 1795 § 1 (part), 1996).

The Budget Committee meets as directed by City Council.  Typically, the budget preparation meetings are held in the early spring, with additional meetings scheduled as needed and to review revenue and expenditure reports.

Terms are four years.

For information about the current composition of the Budget Committee or to apply to become a member, please visit the Budget Committee OnBoard webpage here.


Michael Osborne - Staff Liaison
