
Hector Campbell NDA Adopt A Road Work Party

Concerned about litter in your neighborhood and want to do something about it? Neighborhood Associations and other groups can adopt roads in Milwaukie and pledge to pick up litter to keep the city looking great.

How does the program work?

Neighborhood District Associations (NDAs) and other groups adopt a city road and keep it free from litter.

Participating NDAs and other groups agree to:

  • Adopt a stretch of one city road for at least two years.
  • Pick up litter at least twice a year on the adopted road.

The city helps by:

  • Providing access to the tools and material necessary to have litter clean up events.
  • Provides safety training materials and liability waivers.
  • Picks up trash bags and removes any large, heavy or hazardous materials after each clean up event.
  • Erects a sign at your adopted site recognizing your efforts listing your NDA or other group as adopting the road. A sign will be built after the participating group has successfully kept the adopted road free of litter for at least six months.

What else should I know?

  • We can help you select a road and evaluate it for safety.
  • A group representative will sign an agreement on behalf of your entire group.
  • Adult supervision is required for participants under 18. No children under the age of 5 can participate.
  • A signed release of liability is required for ALL participants with each clean up.
  • You must review safety rules with all participants before each outing.
  • You will need to schedule your outings in advance; work may not be allowed near holidays or when road work is scheduled.

How can I get more information?

First read the Program Brochure and Safety Guide below and if you are interested in learning more contact Jason Wachs, community engagement coordinator, at or at 503-786-7568. 

Who currently has an adopted road?

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Milwaukie Adopt-A-Road Program Kit
Milwaukie Adopt-A-Road Program - Rotary Club of Milwaukie Cleaning Up Lake Rd.
Milwaukie Adopt-A-Road Program - Lewelling Neighborhood Cleaning Up Stanley Ave.
Milwaukie Adopt-A-Road Program - Linwood Neighborhood Cleaning Up Linwood Ave.
Milwaukie Adopt-A-Road Program - Young Ladies Institute Cleaning Up Washington St.
Milwaukie Adopt-A-Road Program - The Bird Family (Charles) Cleaning Up River Rd.