Hector Campbell Neighborhood Picnic


06/09/2024 - 5:00pm to 7:00pm
Hector Campbell NDA Logo

Join your Hector Campbell neighbors for food, music, and fun! The 15th Annual Picnic is sponsored by the Hector Campbell Neighborhood District Association (NDA)

The event will include the Taqueria La Merced food truck, kids activities, and live music by local bluegrass band, Fire and Stone. In addition, the Milwaukie Police Department will fly their drone to show what it is capable of and how they use it. 

If you would like to get more involved in the Hector Campbell NDA and help them with this event and other neighborhood goals, please keep in mind that anyone who lives, owns property or a business, or represents a non-profit within the Hector Campbell neighborhood is already a member of the NDA. Participation is free and funding is available to accomplish neighborhood goals. Learn more about the NDA program here