Neighborhood District Association (NDA) Volunteer Positions

Historic Milwaukie NDA Walking in Parade to Open New City Hall

Do you want to network with your neighbors to identify and solve problems, educate the community on all kinds of topics, and complete neighborhood improvement projects? Join your NDA at their next meeting and find out what positions are available. Each NDA holds their annual elections in May of each year, but openings occur throughout the year as well. Click here to find out when your next neighborhood meeting is and how to reach the Chair. 

Currently the City of Milwaukie has 7 recognized and active Neighborhood District Associations or NDAs. Participation in an NDA is open to anyone who lives or owns or represents a business or institution/non-profit within the boundaries of the NDA.

Click here to find out what NDA you belong to and when they next meet!

There are a variety of volunteer opportunities available with your NDA including:

  • Attend your next NDA meeting. Everyone is welcome, it's free, and you don't have to commit to anything. Come out and find out what your NDA has been talking about.
  • Become an NDA Officer. Officers are nominated and elected annually in May. These are great volunteer positions in your own neighborhood. The positions include:
    • Chair & Vice-Chair - Learn and practice your skills at planning and running effective meetings.
    • Secretary (Recorder) - Good listener and writer? Put that know how to work to help keep your neighborhood on track. 
    • Treasurer - Are numbers your specialty? Help your NDA maintain a balanced account to accomplish their goals.
    • Land Use Committee - Do you like to follow how your neighborhood is utilizing its space? Maybe you would be a great candidate for the NDA's land use committee.
    • Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) Representative - Are you interested in ensuring that your neighborhood is safe? Maybe you would be a good candidate for PSAC.
    • Other ad hoc committees - The NDAs are involved with a number of other committees at times so just ask what is available.
  • Lead or volunteer for an NDA project or event. The NDAs get involved in a variety of projects and events each year including concerts in local parks, community gardening, cleanup events, and much more! Join them to find out how you can help with something they are already planning to do and if you have ideas of your own let your NDA know and you just might be able to bring your great ideas to reality!

If you have more questions about how to get involved with your NDA contact Jason Wachs at or call 503-786-7568.