Vietnam War Remembrance Event


Saturday, April 5, 2025 - 1:00pm
Vietnam War Commemoration Program

Join the Milwaukie community in remembering the members of the United States armed forces from Clackamas County who made the ultimate sacrifice during the Vietnam War. On Saturday April 5, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. American Legion Post 180, the Susannah Lee Barlow Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), and the City of Milwaukie will gather with community members and veterans groups at Scott Park to remember those named on the Milwaukie Vietnam Veterans Monument (located in Scott Park). 

Parking for this event is available at the Ledding Library and the city parking lot west of Scott Park. Attendees can access the parking lot on Main Street across from city hall. 

For more information about Milwaukie's participation in the national Vietnam War 50th Commemoration program, click on the link below.