Stormwater Master Plan

March 2012 - September 2013
Project Status 

Community Development, (503)786-7600

Project Details

Under the Clean Water Act, the City of Milwaukie is permitted to manage storm water in a manner that reduces pollution from entering local streams and groundwater to the maximum extent practicable. In meeting this goal the City manages and a operates a storm drainage system that includes about 25 miles of stormwater pipe and open channel systems, 596 manholes, 5 detention ponds, over 1,600 catch basins, and 203 drywells. The City of Milwaukie is in the process of updating its current Stormwater Master Plan which focuses on identifying and prioritizing future stormwater-related capital improvement projects that target flood control and water quality improvements over the next 10 years.

Alerts & Updates

City Council adopted the Stormwater Master Plan and related system development charges on August 20, 2013 (Ord. 2072).