ADA Ramp Enhancement 2013

Construction: January 2014 - March 2014
Project Status 

Engineering Department

Phone: (503) 786-7606

Project Details

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ensures access to the built environment for people with disabilities.  The ADA Standards establish design requirements for the construction and alteration of facilities subject to the law.  These enforceable standards apply to places of public accommodation, commercial facilities, and state and local government facilities.


A majority of the sidewalk ramps throughout Milwaukie were constructed before ADA regulations were enacted. The purpose of this project is to upgrade existing curb ramps that do not currently meet ADA Standards. There are 42 ramps that will be upgraded and are spread throughout the City. Ramp construction areas are shown in the Ramp Construction Overview Map. The general ramp construction areas are as follows:


» Harrison and Monroe Street, 21st Avenue to Highway 224 (17 ramps)

» Freeman Way, Lake Road to International Way (5 ramps)

» Public Safety Building, 3200 SE Harrison Street (10 ramps)

» Public Works Building, 6101 SE Johnson Creek Blvd (7 ramps)

» Stanley Avenue at Harlow Street (3 Ramps)


A large portion of funding for this project is through the Clackamas County Community Development Block Grant Program (which is funded federally through the US Department of Housing and Urban Development). Contract administration (project bidding and advertising, contract award and payment) will be performed by the Clackamas County Community Development Department. City Engineering staff will act as the Project Engineer and Inspector.

Alerts & Updates

Last Updated on 4/11/2014


Completed Ramps:

    -7 ramps at the Johnson Creek facility

    -10 ramps at the Public Safety Building

    -3 ramps at Stanley and Harlow

    -5 ramps at Freeman Way and International/Lake Road

    -2 ramps on Harrison between 28th and 29th

    -4 ramps on Monroe and 29th

    -4 ramps on Monroe and 28th

    -4 ramps on Monroe and 21st

    -1 ramp on Monroe and 25th