Clay Pipe Replacement Program (2014-2015)

May 2015 - November 2015
Project Status 
$1.5 million

Alex Roller
Engineering Technician I
Phone: (503) 786-7695

Project Details

The Clay Pipe Replacement Program was created to ensure of the replacement of the City's in-service Vitrified Clay Pipe (VCP) over a 10 year period. Vitrified Clay Pipes are susceptible to chemical attack at their joints, are brittle, and due to their short lengths and numerous joints are more prone to infiltration. As of 2010, it was estimated that the City had 21,218 feet of VCP in active service. The 2014-2015 Program Years focused primarily on replacing VCP on streets that are scheduled to be slurry sealed by the Street Surface Maintenance Program (SSMP). These pipe sections will be prioritized for replacement to eliminate the need to replace them later and cut into any newly sealed streets.  Clay lines were replaced on 32nd & 31st between Washington and Wister, Washington from 30th to 23rd, 27th from Washington to Willard, and a short section on Jackson west of Main Street.
