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Harvey Street Improvements
Project Status
In Design
Project Type
Capital Project
Project Manager
Hector Gomez-Barrios, Associate Engineer
Project Details
This project will improve Harvey Street from 32nd Avenue to 40th Avenue into a higher rank of neighborhood greenway as described in the city's Transportation System Plan and construct ADA compliant sidewalk along Harvey Street and 42nd Avenue from 32nd Avenue to 42nd Avenue to Howe Street. Crews will also update the water and storm systems to meet current standards along Harvey Street, 33rd Avenue, 36th Avenue, Sherry Lane, 42nd Avenue and Wake Court. There will also be a sanitary line repair along 40th Avenue. Once this work is complete, crews will resurface the streets and repaint the markings.
The city will return in approximately five years to replace some of the larger water lines transporting water between the wells, treatment center and storage tanks.
For questions, contact the project manager. To join the email distribution list for project updates, email milwaukiesafe@milwaukieoregon.gov
Alerts & Updates
Update (3.2.2025):
Harvey Street Improvement project plan sheet is close to completing the 100% design. Mailers and staff will be leaving Permit of Entry (PoE's) letters off to each address that will be affected during construction. If you have questions about your property and the work done on your property, please email Hector Gomez-Barrios at Gomezh@milwaukieoregon.gov.
Update (3.7.2024):
Thank you all for the wonderful turnout for the Harvey Street 30% Open House! We collected some great feedback and will do our best to incorporate what we can. Please look over the Open-house summary in the documents below and reach out if you have any questions or if there is anything else you would like us to know as we continue through the design process.
Update (1.16.2024):
Save the date for the Harvey Street Improvements Open House on Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2024 from 5-6:30 p.m. at city hall, 10501 SE Main St. Participants are invited to review, provide comments and ask questions about the current design (30% completion). The Project Area Map, draft Concept Plan and Cross Section are available for review prior to the open house.
Update (7.27.2023):
After receiving all of the design proposals for Harvey Street, staff and city council selected Century West Engineering Corporation as the design consultant. To provide input about the project design, contact the project manager or milwaukiesafe@milwaukieoregon.gov.
Update (5.1.2023):
The city posted a Request for Qualifications to select a designer for this project at the end of May. If you are or know a consultant who would like to bid, visit https://bids.milwaukieoregon.gov/rfp/harvey-street-improvements
Update (3.22.2023):
The city is preparing to hire a consultant to design the project and staff plan to open a request for bids in April. The city expects construction to begin in late 2023 or early 2024.
Update (12.16.2022):
The city is hiring a consultant to design the project, and staff plan to open a request for design bids this winter. The city expects design to begin early next year and construction to begin in late 2023 or early 2024.
Planned Improvements:
- Upsize the water mainline pipes on Harvey Street, 33rd Avenue, 36th Avenue, and 42nd Avenue from Harvey Street to Covell Street and transfer all water services accordingly.
- Update stormwater lines to meet modern standards and fix a drywell.
- Construct a continuous sidewalk with curb ramps on one side of Harvey Street from 32nd Avenue to 42nd Avenue and on the west side of 42nd Avenue from Howe Street to Harvey Street.
- Install traffic calming measures to reduce vehicle speeds on Harvey Street from 32nd Avenue to 42nd Avenue.
- Resurface Harvey Street from 32nd Avenue to 42nd Avenue and 42nd Avenue from Harvey Street to Johnson Creek Boulevard.
For more information, visit www.milwaukiesafe.org, email milwaukiesafe@milwaukieoregon.gov or call 503.235.5881 ext. 181.
Update (9.26.2022):
Project design will go out to bid in November/December 2022.
Update (4.25.2022):
Harvey Street survey results are in. Nearly 200 people participated in the recent online survey (and a few submitted paper copies). Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback! We were pleased with this high level of community interest in the project. A clear majority of people (70%) prefer to keep parking on one side of the street rather than have on-street parking removed in order to build continuous sidewalks on both sides of the street. The city will continue design work over the next several months and notify you when we have early design plans that are ready to share. Complete survey results can be found in the “Downloads” section below.
Update (4.18.2022):
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Harvey Street survey between March 21 and April 11! If you would still like to see the survey graphics and questions and give your feedback, you may do so at any time. Just scroll down to the Downloads section below to view the document. You may email your comments directly to milwaukiesafe@milwaukieoregon.gov, or print off, fill out and scan it to milwaukiesafe@milwaukieoregon.gov or drop it off/mail it to City Hall at 10722 SE Main Street in Milwaukie, 97222.
Update (3.21.2022):
Your Feedback is Wanted!
Help us understand how you use Harvey Street. We want to hear whether the community would like a continuous sidewalk on both sides of the street or a continuous sidewalk on one side and parking on the other.
Take the online survey at https://form.jotform.com/jlainvolve/HarveyStreet between March 21 and April 11.
If you’d like a paper survey, please call Tracie 503.235.5881 ext.116.
Harvey Street has a 40-foot wide pubic right of way (that is, property owned by the city) and within that right-of-way, the city will fit:
- existing large trees
- existing and future utilities, including power poles
- a paved roadway
- a continuous sidewalk on at least one side of the street
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