Wastewater Main Repair Program (2014)

Design: November - December 2013, Bid Letting: January 2014, Contract Award: February 2014, Construction: May - June 2014
Project Status 

Engineering Department

Phone: (503) 786-7606

Project Details

Projects under the Wastewater Main Repair Program (WWMRP) generally consist of pipe replacement where structural or inadequate flow conditions exist and lining of pipes with excessive groundwater infiltration and/or stormwater inflow. Projects are identified based on routine system monitoring and/or maintenance done by the Wastewater Operations Department and projects identified in the 2010 Wastewater Master Plan.


Projects within this program year include:

  • Hemlock Street (67th Court to Redwood Avenue): Replace 249 feet of concrete pipe with plastic (PVC) pipe and replace a wastewater manhole.
  • Wake Court (41st Avenue to 42nd Avenue): Replace 285 feet of concrete pipe with plastic (PVC) pipe.
  • McBrod Avenue (east of 17th Avenue): Install a new manhole at an existing bend location. The existing bend is prohibiting the Operations crews' from cleaning this section of pipe.
  • Wake Street south of Ardenwald Elementary: 50 feet of pipe will be replaced to remove permanent debris in the existing line.

Alerts & Updates

Last Updated on 7/11/2014

All work has been completed