Milwaukie Fest Day Two


Saturday, July 12, 2025 - 10:00am to 5:00pm
Milwaukie Fest poster featuring goose in sunglasses

Milwaukie Fest Day Two is the biggest festival day of the year! 

From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., the city will close down four blocks of Main Street from Jackson south to the post office. 

For more information about Milwaukie Fest, visit the event homepage.

This page will be updated as the event approaches, so check back often. 

Jackson St - Monroe St: Kids' Zone
This block includes fun for kids of all ages. Storytellers, musicians, and a bubble show will bring the stage to life while icecream, games, crafts, and a visiting llama provide plenty of entertainment between performances! 

Monroe St. - Jefferson St: City Life
Would you like to know more about city projects? What about community groups working to make Milwaukie the most delightfully livable city on the Willamette? If so, this is the block for you. Information booths will be blended in with vendors to create the largest open air marketplace in the city.

Jefferson St - Washington St: The Headliners
For one day only, the block will be transformed into Milwaukie's hottest live entertainment venue. Come see live music, wrestling, and a dance-off between two surprising dogwood legends.  

South Downtown Plaza: Movement Matters
Start the day with a free class from Milwaukie Jazzercise, and stay in motion with more exciting activities throughout the day. 

Other Happenings
Outside of the city-hosted events listed above, several groups will be holding their own events to make Milwaukie Fest even more special. Highlights include:
Pfriem Family Brewers will host games and music at Historic City Hall, with Henry Point Development and the Milwaukie Masonic Lodge opening a time capsule placed in the building in 1938 at 12:30 p.m. 

The Milwaukie Parks Foundation will host its annual rubber duck race in Milwaukie Bay Park beginning at 5:30.