Elk Rock Island Volunteer Restoration Event


03/15/2025 - 9:30am to 12:00pm
Elk Rock Island

Join the Milwaukie Parks Foundation, the Island Station NDA, and the Friends of Elk Rock Island and Spring Park (FERI-Spark) to help remove ivy and other invasive plants on Elk Rock Island while also picking up litter. These volunteer events occur on the third Saturday from March to June and from September to December. No events take place on July, August, January, or February. 

Wear your mud gear, bring gloves, your water bottle, and your favorite digging or clipping tools. Event organizers will have snacks, trash bags, and trash pickers. Meet at 19th and Sparrow at 9:30 a.m. Please note that parking is limited, so if you can come on foot or by bike, please do. There's also more parking a couple of blocks north of the park, along the railroad tracks and along Bluebird Street.

Learn more on the Milwaukie Parks Foundation Facebook page at www.facebook.com/milwaukieparksfoundation/events.