Project Status

The project was initiated in 2022.  Monthly project updates are emailed to partners and stakeholders and are available/linked below.  A project status summary is outlined below:

Project Phase: Final Design and Permitting (Phase 2).

Design and Permitting Consultant: Consor Engineering

Current Status: Samples collected from the Summer 2024 Geotechnical and Sediment Sampling/Evaluation Study are undergoing laboratory analysis. Results will be used to inform preliminary project design and regulatory consultation

Next Milestone: 30% Design (Draft DAP)

Major Accomplishments:

  • Over $17 million has been secured from private donations; private, state, and federal grant programs; congressionally directed spending; and local capital funds since the project was initiated in 2022.
  •  Phase 1 was successfully completed in December 2023, including feasibility evaluation, alternatives analysis, design and permitting site studies, baseline monitoring of existing conditions for future project performance evaluation, extensive outreach and community engagement, career and workforce development, and development of a conceptual Kellogg Lake impoundment restoration design.


Last Updated October 2024