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Project Advisory Committee (PAC)
The most recent PAC meeting was on Wednesday, May 13 and involved preparation for the Open House held on June 1. The meeting agenda is available online.
The most recent PAC meeting was on Tuesday, March 31, with a focus on discussing the feedback received at the March 18 public workshop. The meeting agenda is available, as are the Summary Notes.
The PAC met on Wednesday, February 18 to review the draft design. The meeting agenda is available, as well as the presentation handout. A summary of the meeting, including PAC Comments on the draft design, is also available. The PAC had a special meeting on Wednesday, March 4 to continue its discussion of the draft design and look for points of agreement. The agenda and a summary of agreements from that meeting are available.
Previously, the PAC met on Wednesday, October 29, 2014. The agenda for that meeting can be found here, with summary notes available here. The agenda for the first PAC meeting, which was a tour of Monroe Street on September 3, 2014, can be viewed here, with a meeting summary available here.
The project consultant prepared a Needs and Opportunities Memo as a baseline document that outlines the existing conditions on Monroe Street, with suggestions for making the street a functioning neighborhood greenway. The memo was reviewed and discussed at the Oct 29 PAC meeting, and revisions were made to incorporate PAC members' input. The final version of the memo can be viewed here. For reference, the earlier draft of the memo that was discussed at the Oct 29 PAC meeting can be viewed here. A summary of public comments on the earlier draft of the memo can be viewed here.
City Council Charge to the PAC
The Project Advisory Committee (PAC) is charged with providing guidance for the Consultant’s efforts to determine what improvements will make Monroe Street an effective Neighborhood Greenway—a safer route for bicycles, pedestrians, and motor vehicles, with “green street” stormwater treatments. The PAC will ensure that the Concept Plan is consistent with the Neighborhood Greenway principles established in the Milwaukie Transportation System Plan (TSP) and that it reflects the community’s values while addressing all relevant requirements and standards.
The PAC will review draft materials prior to public presentation, to ensure consistency with applicable policies and standards and to provide suggestions and recommendations that enhance the Consultant’s work.
The role of each PAC member is to represent the perspectives and interests of their particular group or agency, reporting back to their constituencies and bringing forward any ideas or concerns those groups may have. In addition, PAC members will work in good faith as a team to advance the project and achieve agreement around it. Members will reach out to the larger community, including consideration of the needs and concerns of property owners and residents along Monroe Street.
The Council expects the PAC to recommend a draft of the Concept Plan for Council consideration and adoption by May 31, 2015, or to otherwise allow time for final revisions before the end of the grant period on June 30, 2015.
PAC Members
Historic Milwaukie NDA |
Clackamas County Planning Department Scott Hoelscher |
Ardendwald NDA Russ Stoll Jon Stoll |
Clackamas Fire District No. 1 Mike Boumann |
Hector Campbell NDA |
Milwaukie Engineering Brad Albert |
Linwood NDA Jason Start Lonny Rushton (Janet Cartmill and Lynn Sharp, alternates) |
Milwaukie Public Works, Streets & Stormwater Kenny Hill |
Bike Milwaukie Matt Menely Andy Schmidt |
ODOT Gail Curtis |
Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) Chris Ortolano |
Milwaukie City Council |
Clackamas County Pedestrian/Bikeway Advisory Committee Gwen Laubach-Alvarez |
Milwaukie Project Manager Brett Kelver