Facilities Division Information

City owned facilities

The Facilities Division is responsible for Facility Maintenance of all City facilities.

Number of Employees:

  • .50 Facilities Supervisor
  • 2 Facilities Maintenance Technician
  • .50 Administrative Assistant

Division Goals:

  • Maintain all City buildings in a safe and clean condition, and good repair condition.
  • Ensure that the division operates within the fiscal year budget.

Division Function:

  • Maintain the buildings owned and operated by the City of Milwaukie. This would include general everyday repair and maintenance of the building’s infrastructure.
  • Provide all utilities that are needed to operate the various buildings, such as natural gas, electricity, sewer, water, janitorial service and garbage service.
  • Maintain all lawn and planting areas for all city buildings and properties.
  • Manage capital improvement projects that are needed for each building. This would include, but not be limited to roofs, painting, carpeting, structural changes, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, Security, Fire alarm, Fire sprinkler, elevators, and updating of buildings to meet government regulations.

Source of Revenue:

  • Facilities Maintenance revenue comes from charges to each of the divisions and departments that use City buildings.


The Facilities Division welcomes your inquiries. Feel free to contact Damien Farwell, Fleet & Facilities Supervisor, at farwelld@milwaukieoregon.gov (link sends e-mail) or 503-786-7621.