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Comprehensive Plan Update Process and Background
Milwaukie's Comprehensive Plan was last updated in 1989. Since that time, the city has experienced a number of significant changes, including the emergence of new housing types, industries, and the opening of the Orange Line light rail line.
In late 2015, the city began the process of updating its Comprehensive Plan.
Preparing for the Comprehensive Plan Update
Oregon has a series of 19 statewide planning goals that cities and counties are required to address in their Comprehensive Plan. For example, Goal 9 (Economic Development) requires cities to periodically prepare an analysis of their economic strengths, weaknesses, and potential, and to assess their supply of employment land to accommodate anticipated economic growth. Similarly, Goal 10 (Housing) requires cities to "provide for the housing needs of citizens of the state" by periodically inventorying their supply of buildable residential land, comparing it to their current, short term, and long term housing needs, and creating goals and policies that help meet those housing needs.
In advance of the Comprehensive Plan Update, in 2016 the city updated its Goal 9 Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA) and its Goal 10 Housing Needs Analysis (HNA). The EOA and HNA will serve as the technical foundation for the updates to the Economy and Housing chapters of the Comprehensive Plan and help inform several other chapters, including Land Use. Drafts of the HNA, EOA, and associated documents are included in the files below.
Comprehensive Plan Update Policy Blocks
The City of Milwaukie has divided its Comprehensive Plan Update process into three policy "blocks" described below. The update process in each block includes policy analysis, consideration of alternative policies, policy selection, and review and refinement. The city is applying a model of inclusive engagement throughout each block with public outreach efforts including Planning Commission meetings, community open houses and surveys. City planners have also met with Neighborhood District Associations and public representatives through the Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee (CPAC). Materials from these meetings can be found below. Future meetings are listed on the city's Planning calendar.
Block 1 (Fall 2017 - Spring 2018)
Block 1 was focused on policies concerning economic development, community culture, the Urban Growth Management Agreement and annexations.
CPAC Meetings in Block 1:
Block 2 (Spring 2018 - Winter 2018/2019)
Block 2 was focused on policies concerning housing, parks and recreation, energy, climate, hazards and the Willamette Greenway.
CPAC Meetings in Block 2:
- CPAC Meeting 6
- CPAC Meeting 7
- CPAC Meeting 8
- CPAC Meeting 9
- CPAC Meeting 10
- Housing Committee Meeting 1
- Housing Committee Meeting 2
- Housing Committee Meeting 3
- Housing Committee Meeting 4
- Housing Committee Meeting 5/CPAC Meeting 14
Block 3 (Winter 2018/19 - September 2019)
Block 3 is focused on policies concerning public facilities, natural resources, environmental quality and urban design.
CPAC Meetings in Block 3:
Synthesis (October 2019 - December 2019)
The Synthesis stage of the Comprehensive Plan Update is to do a high-level review of the proposed draft policies in it's entirety and assess what is still missing.
CPAC Meetings in the Synthesis stage:
How can I stay updated on the Comprehensive Plan Update process?
To be added to the Vision or Comprehensive Plan email list, please email Senior Planner David Levitan at plan@milwaukieoregon.gov