
Construct a six-story mixed use building, with restaurant and retail space on the ground floor and 195 multifamily units on the ground floor and above. Off-street parking will be provided within the Washington St/McLoughlin Blvd building level. The proposed development includes disturbance to designated natural resource areas on the site and fill within the floodplain. A variance is requested to allow the required natural resource mitigation to be provided in the adjacent Adams St right-of-way and Dogwood Park, where the required balancing of floodplain excavation is also proposed. A parking quantity modification is proposed to lower the required number of off-street parking spaces beyond the by-right reductions allowed in the DMU zone. Additional variances are requested to increase the building height (by one story) and provide relief from the zero-setback requirement for the building. Review is required for consistency with downtown design standards/guidelines as well as with Willamette Greenway conditional use criteria. The submittal materials include a project narrative, graphic drawings, preliminary drainage report, floodplain hydraulic analysis, natural resource report, transportation impact analysis, and transportation demand management program. 

Files Number(s)
DR-2021-001 (master file)

Application Type(s)
(Type III)
Downtown Design Review
Willamette Greenway
Natural Resources
Variance Requests
Parking Modification
Transportation Facilities Review

11103 SE Main St

Current Status 
Approved with Conditions

Public Hearing(s)
Design and Landmarks Committee on September 7, 2021
Planning Commission on September 28, 2021

Historic Milwaukie
Island Station 

Staff Contact
Brett Kelver, Senior Planner
(503) 786-7657