Middle Housing

People who live in Milwaukie — or want to — have different housing needs. More housing variety can help meet those needs. In many residential areas the city only allowed people to build new single-detached homes, a housing type that can be expensive and usually is occupied by homeowners rather than renters.

New zoning code for residential areas allows middle housing on all lots that also allow single detached homes. The intent for this new code:

Increase the supply of middle and attainable housing and provide equitable access and housing choice for all.
(For information on the new tree code for residential properties click here.)

What is Middle Housing?
A range of multi-unit or clustered housing types, compatible in scale with single-family homes, that help meet the growing demand for walkable, urban living, respond to household demographics, and meet the need for more housing choices at different price points. — DANIEL PAROLEK, author “Missing Middle Housing”

Middle housing types:  duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, townhomes and cottage clusters. These housing types can be detached or attached, which helps with site design flexibility and can help maintain an existing house on the property. See images below for examples of each middle housing type.

What areas of Milwaukie will be affected?
The new code applies to all residential zones. To find zoning for your neighborhood, visit milwaukie.maps.arcgis.com/home/index.html.

When will the changes happen?
The new code is effective on June 3, 2022.


Middle housing code FAQs
Question Answer
Can lots with middle housing be further divided? Yes, middle housing units can be placed on their own individual lots under certain circumstances. Click here for an FAQ handout on middle housing land division.
Did my zoning change? If your zoning was low density (R-5, R-7 or R-10) then your new zoning is R-MD (moderate density residential).  All other residential zones are the same.

What kinds of housing
are allowed? 

What size lots?

* Detached single dwellings require a minimum of 5,000 sq ft

Min. Lot Size Permitted Housing Types
1,500 sq ft Townhouse; cottage in a cottage cluster
3,000 sq ft to 6,999 sq ft Detached single dwelling*
Detached single dwelling + 2 ADU*
7,000 sq ft and greater Detached single dwelling*
Detached single dwelling + 2 ADU*
Cottage Cluster
Are there design and development standards for middle housing? Yes. Scale and bulk controls, like minimum setbacks, maximum lot coverage, and building height can help new development respond to the scale and form of existing neighborhoods. The development standards for middle housing are very similar to those of single detached homes, including a maximum building height of 35 ft. Just like single detached homes, middle housing must meet certain design standards.
How much parking is required for middle housing? The code does not require any off-street parking for middle housing, except for cottage clusters (0.5 spaces/unit), townhouse developments of 8 or more (0.5 spaces/unit), and middle housing located on collector and arterial streets, like King Road and 32nd Avenue (0.5 spaces/unit).
Is land use review required? Will I be notified of a middle housing development? No. HB 2001 states that middle housing development must be permitted in the same way as single detached homes, which are permitted outright (unless a variance is requested).
Where can I find the new code? Click here for the new Middle Housing Code.
Click here for the new Zoning and Land Use maps.


For questions and more information
Contact the city’s Planning Department at 503.786.7630 or planning@milwaukieoregon.gov.

Middle housing code project background: 

Housing Choices Guide Book:

Examples of each Middle Housing Type:

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

cottage cluster image
duplex image
quadplex image
townhouse image
triplex image