
Verify the boundaries of the Water Quality Resource (WQR) and Habitat Conservation Area (HCA) currently shown on the city’s Natural Resource (NR) Administrative Map. The map currently shows a wetland covering the entirety of Tax lot 5500 (the flag lot), which appears to be an error. A stormwater swale adjacent to the southern boundary of the subject property is currently shown as a primary protected water feature with a 50-foot protective vegetated corridor, which also appears to be an error. 

The applicant proposes to revise the NR Administrative Map to be more accurate, in advance of a subsequent proposal to redevelop the subject property.

The site is currently developed with a single detached dwelling.

File Number(s)

Application Type(s)
Type II Natural Resource Review
Boundary Verification

11909 SE Stanley Ave.

Current Status 

Public Hearing
Administrative decision date (tentative): December 2, 2022

Neighborhood District Association (NDA)

Staff Contact
Brett Kelver, Senior Planner