
Replat the 16 underlying subdivision lots (from the Minthorn Addition, platted in 1890) and
reconfigure the subject properties to create eight lots. Three of the lots will contain existing houses;
the other five lots will be vacant and developable. Harrison Street will be extended west and connect to Home Avenue, with full street improvements in front of Lots 5-8 and a narrower street width between Lots 2 and 3.

File Number(s)
R-2021-004 (master file)

Application Type(s)
Type III Replat
Variance Request

10586 & 10610 SE Home Ave

Current Status 
Approved with Conditions

Public Hearing
March 22, 2022 Planning Commission
April 26, 2022 Planning Commission

Hector Campbell

Staff Contact
Brett Kelver, Senior Planner
(503) 786-7657