Transportation System Plan: 2023-25 Update

Aerial photo of new bicycle and pedestrian pathways on Linwood Ave.

Like many cities, Milwaukie has an ongoing plan for improving how community members get around - the Transportation System Plan (TSP). This plan is updated every five to ten years as the community changes. The TSP also helps fulfill the city's other plans and is required for many types of state and federal funding.
A partial update was completed in 2013, and a comprehensive update was done in 2008. It’s now time for another comprehensive update, which we’re doing now through the beginning of 2025. That’s a big job, so the city will need the community's help!

  1. Changes will be shared with opportunities for community members to share their thoughts 
  2. The city will include the feedback in the plan.
  3. An updated draft will be shared with another chance for community members to share their thoughts

The city will do this through community outreach, meetings, and surveys, along with targeted outreach to Neighborhood District Associations, business owners, first responders, and other civic groups. The city will also have an advisory group for the work. See below for the TSP Advisory Committee members and links to TSP Advisory Committee (TSPAC) meetings. 

A technical committee will also contribute to the planning process and ensure consistency with various regional, state, and countywide plans and policies. This group, the TSP Technical Advisory Committee (TSPTC), is comprised of folks from partner agencies that have technical expertise is transportation and land use planning. A link to materials for those meetings can be found here

For a project timeline and the most up-to-date information about the plan update, please visit Engage Milwaukie: Transportation System Plan: 2023-25 Update.

TSP Advisory Committee (TSPAC)

The TSPAC is a group of community members who represent a diversity of transportation interests and experiences. This group will consult with city staff, consultants, and the community to update the TSP.

TSP Advisory Committee Members
Name  Seat 
Adria Decker Island Station Neighborhood
Chad Vinson Tucker

Historic Milwaukie Neighborhood

Christine Giatti

Public Safety Advisory Committee Representative

Corey Hester

Equity Steering Committee Representative

Daniel Eisenbeis Comprehensive Plan Advisory/Implementation Committee Member
Jared Irvin

Disabled Community

Jay Jones  Freight/Business Community
Jason Altamirano Freight/Business Community 
Joseph Edge

Planning Commission Representative

Layne Kristine Wilson

Hector Campbell Neighborhood

Maitri Dirmeyer

Lewelling Neighborhood

Naomi Vogel Ardenwald-Johnson Creek Neighborhood
Pam Denham Public Safety Advisory Committee Representative
Will Anderson City Council Representative
Simon Xu

Lake Road Neighborhood

Stephan Lashbrook

Comprehensive Plan Advisory/Implementation Committee Member

Zac Perry

Linwood Neighborhood

Camden Mckone


Sang Pau


TSP Advisory Committee Meetings 
Date Location  Documents

Meeting #1

Oct. 19, 2023

6 PM

This will be a hybrid meeting held at the new Milwaukie City Hall, 10501 SE Main Street, in the Community Room on the 1st floor and on Zoom (see Zoom invitation below). 




Meeting #2

Jan. 18, 2024

6 PM

Due to inclement weather this meeting will be held through Zoom video conference only (see Zoom invitation below). 





Meeting #3 

Feb. 15, 2024

6 PM

This will be a hybrid meeting held at the new Milwaukie City Hall, 10501 SE Main Street, in the Community Room on the 1st floor and on Zoom (see Zoom invitation below). 




Meeting #4 

May 16, 2024

6 PM

This will be a hybrid meeting held at the new Milwaukie City Hall, 10501 SE Main Street, in the Community Room on the 1st floor and on Zoom (see Zoom invitation below). 



Meeting #5 

August 15, 2024

6 PM

This will be a hybrid meeting held at the new Milwaukie City Hall, 10501 SE Main Street, in the Community Room on the 1st floor and on Zoom (see Zoom invitation below). 



Sidewalk Inventory 

September 28, 2024

8:45 AM

This was a meeting held to collect data on the city's sidewalk infrastructure. Started at City Hall and conducted sidewalk inventories throughout the City.

Contact Staff for Documentation 

Meeting #6

November 21, 2024

6 PM

This will be a hybrid meeting held at the new Milwaukie City Hall, 10501 SE Main Street, in the Community Room on the 1st floor and on Zoom (see Zoom invitation below). 



Meeting #7

February 20, 2025

6 PM

This will be a hybrid meeting held at the new Milwaukie City Hall, 10501 SE Main Street, in the Community Room on the 1st floor and on Zoom (see Zoom invitation below). 




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