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Data & Policies
Police policies are a critical component in guiding how the Milwaukie Police Department (MPD) provides services. The primary purpose of any policy is to provide clear direction to police department staff based on the most widely accepted best practices. The policies have to take into consideration the unique needs of the community, as well as the needs and challenges of the police department and the public safety profession in general. As an agency, it’s the MPD's responsibility to stay current with evolving best practice, case law and legislative changes. The MPD posted its entire policy manual externally on its webpage to be transparent. The MPD is also working collaboratively with Milwaukie's BIPOC community to discuss both the intent and impact of specific policies on marginalized communities.
The MPD collects and analyzes data to guide a data-driven approach to management. Some aspects of this data collection and analysis are new to the state and the agency. The MPD continues to evolve and improve the quality of data it develops and shares with the community.
To view monthly calls for service incident data, visit: Calls for Service Data
In 2017, House Bill 2355 created the Statistical Transparency of Policing (STOPS) law. Compliance with this law is administered by the Oregon State Police (OSP), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Criminal Justice Commission (CJC). The CJC collects all police data related to optional vehicle and pedestrian stops and does the data analysis, looking for patterns and practices to identify indications of profiling or bias. The data provides a comprehensive set of information which reflects the approximate age, race, gender, and other demographics of all optional or discretionary stops by the police.
These publicly available statistics are a positive step towards full transparency with the public and community we serve. A snapshot summary of our CJC STOPS Data can be found below. To review a more in-depth analysis of the processes used and the data analysis, follow this link: https://www.oregon.gov/cjc/CJC%20Document%20Library/STOP_Report_2020_FIN...