Earth Day Permaculture Class


Saturday, April 23, 2022 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
Earth Day Event Flyer with information about the event
Free Intro to Permaculture Class - the study of sustainable land practices!

The Earth Day Permaculture Class is an introductory, free class being offered from 11am to 12pm in celebration of Earth Day. It will take place after the Earth Day Restoration event  at Willow Place Natural Area on Saturday, April 23rd. Refreshments will be provided.

To attend register here: Permaculture Registration Link

Registration preferred but not required. 


Who should join?

Everyone! Any Milwaukie or Clackamas residents, homeowners, city staff, garden enthusiasts! Beginners welcome. 

Participants will learn:

  • An overview of permaculture and be provided with further learning resources
  • To apply a basic permaculture paradigm to their own garden or property
  • To identify permaculture principles in the world around them
  • How permaculture principles were applied or could be applied at Willow Place Natural Area 

What is permaculture?

Simply put, ‘permaculture’ is the act of using the land in a sustainable way for healthy humans and a healthy planet. For example, a permaculture lesson is knowing what types of garden plants help each other grow and protect each other against hungry bugs. By planting these plants together, gardeners don’t need to use harmful chemicals or change the soil, leading to healthier plants, animals, and people!

Where did the practice originate from?

Permaculture originated as a theoretical and methodological approach to permanent agriculture in the 1970’s at a time when the grave consequences of industrial agriculture were becoming impossible to ignore. And, since then, it has expanded to reference ’permanent culture’, as agriculture is only a fraction of the problems facing humanity. And in both applications, the approach is similar: to incorporate observations of natural systems in devising human systems that are at least sustainable, and at best regenerative in nature, where human needs are not compartmentalized, but seen as a constellation of relationships where impacts are not just considered, but anticipated, and where any effort in any realm—be it food, energy, housing, education, restoration, and so on—is approached in such a way as to maximally benefit other related realms, within the limitations of the system and resources at the disposal of those concerned.


Please join us on April 23rd from 11:00am-12:00pm at Willow Place Natural Area for the permaculture class! 

Contact Natalie Rogers at or 503.786.7668 with any questions.

Join us afterwards at the Earth Day Restoration Event!