Milwaukie Tree Inventory Pilot

An image of trees growing next to a street

Milwaukie is checking in on the urban forest!


In the spring and early summer of 2021, the city will be having contractors help take inventory of street trees in some neighborhoods around Milwaukie. This project will help the city better understand the species, health, and age of public street trees so better planting and care can occur through the city. 

Contractors will be looking at trees in the right of way and taking notes and some photos. Due to the high number of trees needing to be inventoried, they will not be able to spend much time answering public questions. Please direct all questions about the tree inventory pilot, tree care, and Milwaukie's urban forest to

For immediate concerns, please contact the Public Works Department at 503-786-7600.


Thank you in helping the city grow its urban canopy!


For more information on the urban forest program, please visit