Start Water Service Form

This application is received and processed daily. Should any questions arise in processing your service start form, a member of our Finance Department will contact you by phone or email. If we can be of assistance, please call: 503.786.7525.

By submitting this form you are in agreement to the following for utility service at the above mentioned address.

I hereby contract with the City of Milwaukie for the City to provide utility services to the service location on this form.  I agree to abide by all applicable rules and regulations as adopted by the City Charter and the City Municipal Code (Water – 13.04|Wastewater – 13.12|Stormwater – 13.14|Street Surface Maintenance Program – 3.25). Link to the Muncipal Code here. (link is external)

I understand that if my utility account is unpaid and becomes delinquent, water service can and will be disconnected at the meter and that water service shall not resume until the balance on the account is paid in full, include assessed notice, shut-off, and collection fees.

Please select one.
Please select one.
Date the keys are received is the service effective date.
Please insert the name that will appear on the billing statement.
Address where the service is to be provided.
Mailing address if different than the service address.
Prior address if you're moving within Milwaukie. Please note you must do a stop service request if closing the account at your old address. Stop Service form found here.
For verification and emergency purposes.
In case of emergency.