Spot Program

The Spot Program provides funding for small public safety-related improvements in the city.  

Proposals for Spot Program funds may be submitted by community members for new safety related improvements, like crosswalks, signage, or pedestrian ramps. Proposals are reviewed for merit by the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC).  If PSAC agrees with the proposal, they will assign a PSAC representative (typically a representative from the local Neighborhood District Association) to sponsor the proposal on behalf of the proposer. The PSAC representative will then work with the proposer, and the Engineering Department to make any refinements to the proposal. Refinements may include minimizing costs related to materials, property or right-of-way acquisition, engineering analysis or design, long term maintenance, or other considerations.  Engineering department staff will coordinate reviews by relevant city departments, including, but not limited to, Public Works, Police and Natural Resources.  If all the relevant departments support the refined proposal, engineering staff will allocate funds, and coordinate the implementation of the proposal.

If you are interested in submitting a proposal for the SPOT Program, complete the Spot Program Initial Proposal Form (linked below), and submit it via one of these methods:

Milwaukie Engineering Department
Spot Program
10501 SE Main St
Milwaukie, OR 97222

For more information on PSAC and NDAs visit: