Annexation Assistance Program

NESE Service Area

The City has established an Annexation Assistance Program to encourage and assist individual properties with annexing into Milwaukie. 

The City's Annexation Assistance Program ended on November 30, 2012. Applications for owner-initiated (or expedited) annexations can be submitted at any time.

Although the program is not for everyone, for those who meet the three eligibility criteria and are not in a rush to annex, the program makes the annexation process easier and less costly.

The City is no longer accepting applications for assisted annexations. The deadline for the fourth batch was November 30, 2012.

Am I eligible for assistance?

What are the benefits and drawbacks of participating in the assistance program?

How do I apply for assistance?

What else should I know about the assistance program?

What else should I know about annexation?

What if I'm not eligible for assistance?

Who should I contact if I have more questions?

Assisted Annexation Application & Instructions

Am I eligible for assistance?

You are eligible to participate in the City's annexation assistance program if you meet the three criteria listed below. City staff can help you determine if you are eligible.

  1. You want to keep the same or equivalent zoning designation upon annexation.

    All properties in the City and the County have a zoning designation. Your zoning designation determines what uses and structures are allowed on your property. Upon annexation, your property will receive a City zoning designation and be subject to the City’s zoning code. At that time, your property will no longer have a County zoning designation or be subject to the County’s zoning code. You can find your property’s current zoning designation by using Clackamas Map ( or by contacting the City’s Planning Department. After finding your property’s County zoning designation, use this table to determine the City’s equivalent zoning designation.

  2. The use(s) on your property “conforms” to the City’s zoning code upon annexation.

    A conforming use is one that is allowed by a property’s zoning designation. Your property has a conforming use if, for example, it is zoned for residential uses and is being used for residential purposes. A nonconforming use is a use that was legally established but is not currently allowed in the zone in which it is located. (Uses or structures that were not legally established in the County are not made legal upon annexation to the City.) Your property likely has a nonconforming use if, for example, it is zoned for industrial uses and is being used for residential purposes. You can determine if the use(s) on your property will conform to the City’s zoning code upon annexation by:

    •   Determining your property’s City-equivalent zone (as described in #1 above).
    •   Reading about the kinds of uses allowed in your zone.

    Even if the structures on your property do not conform to the City’s zoning code, you are eligible for annexation assistance as long as the uses on your property conform to the City’s zoning code. Please consult with the City’s Planning Department if you have any questions about how the City’s zoning code would apply to the structures on your property.

  3. All owners of the property and at least one-half of all registered voters living at the property agree to annex by signing an annexation petition.

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What are the benefits and drawbacks of participating in the assistance program?


Benefits Potential Drawback
Simplified process         
Less Paperwork
No Fee
Delayed annexation

The City will process City-assisted annexations at least once each year. If you want to annex before the next batch of assisted annexations is scheduled for processing, you can start the annexation process at any time by going through the regular owner-initiated annexation process.

The table below summarizes the differences between owner-initiated annexation and City-assisted annexation.

(available any time)
(May 2010 – Nov 2012)
Preapplication Conference Required Not Required
Preapplication Conference Fee Per Fee Schedule
(currently $100)
No Fee
Annexation Application Property Owner Provides Property Owner Provides
Annexation Application Fee Per Fee Schedule
(currently $150)
No Fee
Annexation Petition Property Owner Provides Property Owner Provides
Property Legal Description Property Owner Provides City Provides
County Certification Documents Property Owner Provides City Provides
Urban Service Districts List Property Owner Provides City Provides












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How do I apply for assistance?

Complete an application form and annexation petition. The petition needs to be signed by all property owners and at least one-half of all registered voters who live at the property. There is no application fee to participate in the City’s annexation assistance program.

All necessary application materials are available online and at the City’s Planning Department. You will need the following information to complete your application:

•  Names and mailing addresses of all property owners. You may need to provide a copy of your deed or other ownership documents to confirm ownership.
•  Names and mailing addresses of all registered voters who live at the property.
•  List of all utility providers, e.g. PGE, Comcast, Qwest, etc.
•  Description of existing use(s).

Applications must be dropped off in person by at least one property owner during the Planning Department’s regular business hours at 6101 SE Johnson Creek Blvd. (Call or check the City’s website for Planning Department hours.) Staff will check your application for completeness and confirm your property’s address and tax lot information at that time. If you are unable to drop off your application during regular business hours, please contact the Planning Department at 503-786-7630 or to schedule an appointment.

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What else should I know about the assistance program?

• The assistance program is available until November 30, 2012. Applications for the final batch of annexations are due Friday, November 30, 2012. If you decide to annex after November 30, 2012, you will be responsible for providing all required annexation documents and fees.
• Once you submit an assisted annexation application, you will be kept informed of its progress at key points in the process by mail.
• Whether you choose to participate in the assistance program or not, City services will only be extended to your property after it has been annexed to the City.

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What else should I know about annexation?

More information about the annexation process and what happens after annexation is available online and at the City’s Annexation FAQ handout   

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What if I'm not eligible for assistance?

You are not eligible to participate in the City’s annexation assistance program if you:
•  Need an emergency sewer connection because your septic system has failed. (If the City has scheduled a batch of assisted annexation applications for processing at the time of your emergency sewer connection request, you may be able to participate in the City's assisted annexation program.)
•  Have a nonconforming or illegal use on your property.
•  Want to request a different zoning designation upon annexation. If you would like to change your property’s zoning designation, you may still annex to the City. However, a request to change your property’s zoning at the time of annexation requires a different type of annexation process and is therefore not eligible for the City’s assistance program.

If you are not eligible to participate in the City’s assistance program, you can annex to the City by submitting either an expedited or nonexpedited annexation application. Instructions and forms for submitting these types of applications are available online and at the City’s Planning Department. If you need an emergency sewer connection, you will also need to sign and record a Consent to Annex agreement, which is also available online and at the City’s Planning Department.

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Who should I contact if I have more questions?

Contact the Planning Department at 503-786-7630 or You can also speak to a planner in person at our offices at 6101 SE Johnson Creek Blvd.

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