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Comprehensive Plan Implementation (2020- )

Highlights of the new code are here: https://www.milwaukieoregon.gov/planning/middle-housing
In August 2020, City Council formally adopted an updated Comprehensive Plan policy document. After two and half years of work to establish a set of robust policies to guide development in Milwaukie for the next 20 years, it is now time to move forward with implementation of the Comprehensive Plan policies.
2016-2017 Milwaukie Vision --> 2018-2020 Comprehensive Plan Update --> Comprehensive Plan Implementation (we are here!) See image at bottom of the page for a visual of this timeline.
What Does Implementation Mean?
Implementation means updating the land use code to reflect the new/revised policies described in the updated Comprehensive Plan. The land use code is what makes the policies of the Comprehensive Plan a reality on the ground and gets into the details of how a policy will be implemented. For example, one of the Comprehensive Plan policies related to housing states: “Provide the opportunity for a wider range of rental and ownership housing choices in Milwaukie, including additional middle housing types in low and medium density zones.” The land use code specifies what types of middle housing, such as duplexes and triplexes, are allowed in specific residential zones in the city. Land use code specifies how things are built (design and development standards), where different types of land uses are allowed (zoning), and the review process for various types of development proposals, etc.
Phase 1: Housing, Residential Parking & Urban Forestry (September 2020 – May 2022)
The updated Comprehensive Plan has 13 sections that cover a wide variety of topics many of which will require code updates to multiple sections of the current zoning code. The code update work will be conducted in phases. Phase 1 was focused on the residential zoning districts and addressed housing, tree canopy and parking standards.
Creating and supporting housing opportunities, primarily middle housing options in all neighborhoods, has been a key goal for Council and the community. The adopted Comprehensive Plan (Plan) policies call for expanded housing opportunities throughout the city and Oregon House Bill 2001 (HB 2001), passed by the state legislature in July 2019, required cities to allow for the development of middle housing throughout residential areas. “Middle housing” is defined by the state of Oregon in HB 2001 as duplex, triplex, quad, townhouses, and cottage cluster dwelling units. In November 2019, Council discussed how to proceed with code amendments after the updated plan was adopted, setting the stage for this implementation project.
The focus of this phase of plan implementation was housing, but it also included related changes to parking requirements in residential areas as well as tree protection and preservation on residential land. The outcome is a package of code amendments that balance the city’s goal for a 40% tree canopy, provision of off-street parking, and implementation of the housing policies outlined in the plan in compliance with HB 2001.
A multi-disciplinary consultant team, led by Urbsworks, assisted city staff with this project. In addition to extensive community engagement throughout the project, Urbsworks assisted staff in updating the residential designations on the plan map, making corresponding changes to the zoning map, and making changes to the zoning and land division ordinances related to housing, parking, and the protection and preservation of trees on private property and in the public right-of-way.
Comprehensive Plan Implementation Committee (CPIC)
The city created the Comprehensive Plan Implementation Committee (CPIC), a 15-member volunteer group of Milwaukie residents, to help inform city staff and its consultants about updates to land use code during Phase 1. The CPIC supported the City by helping to involve a variety of different stakeholders in the code development process, offering feedback on a code audit, reviewing and providing feedback on draft code concepts, and ensuring that the diverse interests of the Milwaukie community were reflected in the code and map amendments while also adhering to the state’s requirements. The CPIC was encouraged to promote opportunities for public involvement, share information with the community, and solicit feedback concerning the Comprehensive Plan Implementation project.
Summaries of CPIC meetings and additional information about CPIC can be found at www.milwaukieoregon.gov/planning/comprehensive-plan-advisory-committee-cpic.
Public Engagement
Housing, parking, and tree protection and preservation are complicated issues. A key goal of this project was to communicate information in a way that the community can be both educated and empowered to provide meaningful input on . We endeavored to do this by breaking down topics into understandable pieces and used visual images and examples to illustrate different policy concepts. We provided an open and welcoming process, with emphasis placed on using inclusive language in conversations, materials and plan and policy recommendations. We also made a concerted effort to engage historically under-represented communities.
Throughout Phase 1, there were many opportunities for the community to participate in this process. This happened through surveys, community events, online open houses, focus groups, etc.
Vera Kolias, senior planner & project manager