Streets Division Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. When will my street be paved?
A. The city Engineering department maintains the list of streets that need to be repaved. Please contact our Engineering department by email at

Q. When will my street get curbs and sidewalks?
The Engineering department oversees the SAFE program and maintains a list of projects. For more information about the SAFE program please click here. To contact the Engineering department, please email

Q. Who would I contact if I want to request a crosswalk or stop sign?
Please contact the Engineering department by email at

Q. Who is responsible for tree, shrub and brush trimming in the right of way?
A. The adjoining property owner has the responsibility of maintaining the trees, shrubs and brush in the right of way including damage caused by the trees, shrubs or brush or removal if fallen. If a large tree falls in the roadway, city staff will come and remove it to allow traffic to get through.

Q. Who is responsible for sidewalk repairs?
A. The adjoining property owner is responsible for sidewalk repairs.

Q. How do I get a pothole repaired?
A. Send an email to or call 503.786.7651 and report the location. The city is responsible for the travel-way and two feet of gravel shoulder, in non-curbed areas. The property owner is responsible for driveway connections to the travel-way and parking strips.

Q. How do I report a streetlight outage?
A. PGE maintains all street lights. Please contact PGE via phone at 1-800-544-1795 (press "3"); or via their website at Report a Streetlight Problem.