MiPD Monthly Calls for Service Data


The Milwaukie Police Department contracts with the City of Lake Oswego's Communications department (LOCOM) for telecommunications (dispatch) services. Calls for service are collected from the dispatch software used by LOCOM when taking non-emergent and 911 calls to be dispatched. This data includes initiated activity by Officers including events like traffic stops. Calls are listed by category and broken down by dispatch priority, "1" is high priority and "7" is lowest. This data is updated Monthly throughout the year. 

Officer Initiated contacts based on probable cause including traffic and person stops are subject to House Bill 2355, the Statistical Transparency of Policing (STOPS) law. For information on the STOPS program and view MiPD policies, visit; Data, STOP, and Policies

Click on the corresponding "supporting documents" below to view data as a chart or by problem type category.